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{{#if:Hel||Level 01: Hel}} {{#if:Ragnarök||Level 02: Ragnarök}} {{#if:Hvergelmir||Level 03: Hvergelmir}} {{#if:Midgard||Level 04: Midgard}} {{#if:Well of Mimir||Level 05: Well of Mimir}} {{#if:Körmt And Örmt||Level 06: Körmt And Örmt}} {{#if:Utgard||Level 07: Utgard}} {{#if:Well of Urd||Level 08: Well of Urd}} {{#if:Loki's Keep||Level 09: Loki's Keep}} {{#if:Valhallah||Level 10: Valhallah}} {{#if:Yggdrasil||Level 11: Yggdrasil}} {{#if:Nilfheim||Level 12: Nilfheim}} {{#if:Nidavellir||Level 13: Nidavellir}} {{#if:Töm||Level 14: Töm}} {{#if:Bifrost||Level 15: Bifrost}} {{#if:Heimdall Gates||Level 16: Heimdall Gates}}
Åsgard Worlds
Åsgard Worlds
Åsgard Worlds
Creators : Fury, Hundredth, Radiance, SewerAssassin
Modifications : None
Number of Levels : 16

Summary of Maps

Åsgard Worlds can be downloaded here:

Here's a summary of maps included, as you can see there's a wide variety of gameplay types, base sizes, tree amounts etc so there's really something for everyone.

Hel Ideas: Hundredth, SewerAssassin
Design: SewerAssassin

Overview: A 2v2 style game, a mixture of Craters and A Narrow Passage.
Average Game Length: 40min - 1hr20
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: IVO built, but TVB or OVE are possible.
FFA Tolerant?: Not advised but possible
Heads: Tornado (3) and Hypnotise (3) imbetween allies' bases (In an IVO game), Volcano (1) in the middle, Firestorm (3) on each sidedoor island.
Trees: Medium - Large
Base Size: Small - Medium (Before expansion)

Ragnarök Ideas: Hundredth, SewerAssassin
Design: SewerAssassin, Hundredth

Overview: A Dead Sea type battle with more of a high/low land balance, and smaller fronts to defend. Like an extreme EOTS, or Dead Sea with more canyons, rivers and lakes.
Average Game Length: 10min - 25min (2v2), 15min - 40min (FFA)
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: Works best with IVO or TVB, OVE is possible but seperates Blue and Yellow across a canyon.
FFA Tolerant?: Absolutely.
Heads: Tornado (4) in large chamber, AOD (2) on small island.
Trees: Medium
Base Size: Very Large

Hvergelmir Ideas: SewerAssassin
Design: SewerAssassin

Overview: A Pressure Point modification, with the side routes cut off to centralise the gameplay around the centre.
Average Game Length: 25min - 1hr
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: TVB made.
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: Volcano (1) replaces Armageddon in the centre.
Trees: Large
Base Size: Medium - Large (before expansion)

Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A 2v2 Pressure Point meets Continental Division type game. Sloped team bases joined by three bridges.
Average Game Length: 20min - 50min
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: TVB.
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: Bloodlust (4) in centre
Obelisks: Magical Shield (4) on backdoor island.
Trees: Large
Base Size: Medium (before expansion)

Well of Mimir
Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth, SewerAssassin

Overview: A low-mana skirmish-cross-craters type map, with landbridge default off.
Average Game Length: 30min - 1hr30min
Restrictions: Standard + Landbridge OFF + Convert OFF
Teams: OVE
FFA Tolerant?: No
Obelisks: Landbridge (infinite) in centre.
Trees: Small
Base Size: Very Small (before expansion)

Körmt And Örmt
Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A large mana DS/EOTS/Narrow type game, with an original twist.
Average Game Length: 20min - 40min
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: IVO
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: Volcano (1) plus extreme land shaping effects, centre.
Trees: Large
Base Size: Very Large

Ideas: SewerAssassin, Hundredth
Design: SewerAssassin, Hundredth

Overview: A low mana 4-way symmetrical based game, Face Off laid out bases (but low land height) connected by A Narrow Passage-influenced bridges
Average Game Length: 15min - 40min
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: IVO or TVB, OVE is crossed.
FFA Tolerant?: Yes
Heads: Mana (1) in centre. Large amount
Trees: Small
Base Size: Small - Medium (before expansion)

Well of Urd
Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: Another 4-way symetrical, but with each colour having different shaped bases each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The 'sequel' to Well of Mimir (above) if you like.
Average Game Length: 20min - 50min (2v2), 30min - 1hr30 (FFA)
Restrictions: Standard + Landbridge OFF
Teams: IVO or OVE, TVB is crossed.
FFA Tolerant?: Yes
Obelisks: Landbridge (infinite) in centre.
Trees: Small - Medium
Base Size: Small (before expansion)

Loki's Keep
Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A 4-way symmetrical, troops-based, Trees of Life style map.
Average Game Length: 20min - 45min (2v2), 25min - 1hr10 (FFA)
Restrictions: Standard + Landbridge OFF
Teams: TVB or OVE, IVO is crossed.
FFA Tolerant?: Yes
Trees: Very Large
Base Size: Medium (before expansion)

Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A 1v1 shaman skills map, ideal for tournaments. A copy of the rules can be found
Average Game Length: 15min - 25min (standard rules)
Restrictions: All OFF except Blast, Lightning, Ghost Army and Tornado.

Design: Hundredth
Overview: A 1v1 Pressure Point modification, again ideal for tournaments.
Average Game Length: 15min - 1hr30
Restrictions: Standard
Heads: Volcano (1) replaces Armageddon in the centre.
Trees: Large
Base Size: Medium - Large (before expansion)

Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: Another shaman skills map, but this time arena-based and 4player. The game revolves around knocking your enemies out by killing their braves, situated on islands around the arena.
Average Game Length: 15min - 1hr (2v2), 30min - 2hr (FFA)
Restrictions: All OFF except Blast
Obelisks: Convert (4) beside each CoR, Teleport (infinite) in centre of map, and AOD (1) on large island. Obelisk behind each enemy CoR temporarily disables that enemy with a swamp and destroys their towers.
Teams: TVB, OVE or IVO.
FFA Tolerant?: Yes

Ideas: SewerAssassin, Hundredth
Design: SewerAssassin, Hundredth

Overview: A 2v2 HeadHunters (NW 05, 4) esque map, with the play revolving around players choosing to either a) trying to win with troops, or b) praying to heads for spells but granting their enemies land and resources in the process.
Average Game Length: 20min - 45min
Restrictions: All OFF except Blast, Lightning, Ghost Army, Swarm and Convert.
Teams: TVB
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads and Totems: Back of base - Landbridge, first island - Tornado, each ally in the team then gets either Firestorm or Earthquake at the second island. All totems on this map grant permanent knowledge spells, trees and reform enemy land, aside from the Volcano (1) head in the centre.
Trees: Small
Base Size: Small (before expansion)

Ideas: Fury, Hundredth
Design: Fury, Hundredth

Overview: A small team Skirmish type map, with only one ally having the ability to landbridge. The other ally is also weaker with less trees, land and startoff braves.
Average Game Length: 30min - 1hr
Restrictions: Standard + Landbridge OFF + Convert OFF
Teams: TVB
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: Magical Shield (4) in centre
Obelisks: The obelisk closest to each team's base unleashes Firestorm and Erode effects on the weaker enemy.
Trees: Small
Base Size: Small - Medium (before expansion)

Ideas: Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A team based Craters, with allies sharing the same reincarnation site.
Average Game Length: 20min - 45min
Restrictions: Standard
Teams: OVE
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: One path contains Earthquake (6), the other Firestorm (6). Both heads unleash the spell they grant on the prayers each time you recieve it.
Trees: Small
Base Size: Small (before expansion)

Heimdall Gates
Ideas: Radiance, Hundredth
Design: Hundredth

Overview: A Fate-influenced Double The Trouble/CD type map with each team having a front defense seperated from their actual base.
Average Game Length: 30min - 1hr
Restrictions: Standard + Landbridge OFF
Teams: IVO
FFA Tolerant?: No
Heads: The stonehead on each defense island grants each ally Landbridge (permanent), head at each side of defense erodes enemy wall.
Obelisks: Centre AOD statue unleashes 3 AODs, obelisk at back of each base fills enemy bases with lava, sidedoor island heads grant Firestorm (1) and Earthquake enemy's trees.
Totems: The totem in each main base connects to the defense at the start of the game.
Trees: Large
Base Size: Medium - Large (before expansion)

-Trees are in respective to the base size on ally maps except ones rated 'Small' or 'Very Small'. E.g although Narrow has a fair few trees, it would be rated 'Medium' for tree amount due to the size of the bases and the need to farm and share with your ally.
-Where information is left out, it's not applicable. E.g no 'Teams' information on a 1v1. If there are no 'Heads' listed, then there are no heads in the map.
-Game length are averages based on personal experience with the maps, depending on your style of play these may decrease/increase
-The digit in brackets after each head spell highlights the number of occurences. E.g The Earthquake (6) head on Bifrost grants six Earthquakes
-In the 'mods' preview on the matchmaker, Heimdall Gates isn't listed. This is a bug to do with the amount of maps in the mappack, and althought it shows a map called 'Ginnungagap' in the preview, you won't be able to choose this in game.