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Revision as of 19:53, 28 May 2007 by TedTycoon (talk | contribs)
Mana Required : 100
Shots : 4
Range : 16
Duration : 3 Secs
Incantation : Sunama

This spell can convert wildmen to braves of your tribes color. You should mainly go for the groups of wildmen rather than just one or two wildmen. The convert spell, however, does not work on enemy tribesmen, no matter how hard you try. You need preachers for that job.

Note: If you play against the AI, their convert range has a larger range and can convert wildmen that the convert doesn't touch.

Standard Spells: BurnBlastConvertSwarmInvisibilityMagical ShieldLandbridgeLightningHypnotiseTornadoSwampFlattenEarthquakeErodeFirestormAngel of DeathVolcano
Guest Spells: BloodlustTeleportArmageddon
Multiplayer Spells: Ghost Army
Forge World Spells: FlattenLandbridgeErodeHillValleyRaiseLowerWildmenTrees