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Revision as of 00:46, 10 February 2007 by TedTycoon (talk | contribs)

Harvesting is one of the most rudimentary techniques used in online play. It allows a player to increase their wood surplus, by carefully controlling/monitoring the cutting process of the trees in the immediate proximity to their base.

How It's done

A player must first select 2 or 3 braves (2 if the tree is near to a building or potential building and 3 if it is further away). Then while holding down ctrl, select a tree with the brave then click on the ground. Repeat by selecting another tree then the ground until the integer 8 is visible or until there are no more trees to harvest. Some people like to use the last iteration/s to patrol instead of just clicking on the ground/tree. As a result, more mana is procuded due to the brave's continuous movement.