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Revision as of 00:32, 29 July 2006 by TedTycoon (talk | contribs)

Mana is needed to charge Spells and train Followers. Mana is developed by every follower you own, and each follower generates diffrent amounts of mana per minute.

Follower Mana Generation Per Minute
Warrior, Firewarrior, Preacher, Spy 1.5
Brave (in small hut or working) 6
Brave (in medium hut) 6.6
Brave (in large hut) 7.2
Shaman 12

Each player starts the game with 300 mana. Thereafter, more mana is generated by Followers at varying rates.

Once acquired, mana can be used in two ways: charging Spells and training Followers. As is mana is charged, it is allocated in two steps:

  • Step 1) Half of mana acquired charges Spells and half trains Followers. If you are charging no Spells then 100% is channeled towards training and if you are performing no training then 100% is channeled towards charging Spells. If you are neither charging Spells, nor training then mana is wasted.

Step 2) Mana channeled towards Spells is divided equally between those being charged. Mana channeled towards training is divided equally between all the Huts where training is taking place.

Example: It is the start of the game and you have a Shaman, 7 working Braves, 2 Warriors and 2 Preachers. You are training more Preachers with a single Hut and are charging Convert, Blast and Hypnotise. 12 + (7 x 6) + (2 x 1.5) + (2 x 1.5) = 60 mana per minute.

If an attack on your base is imminent and you need Hypnotise to thwart it you can make it charge six times as fast by stopping your training and turning off all spell charging except for Hypnotise. Alternatively you may decide you need the Preacher and so turning off all spell charging would allow you to train them twice as fast.