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Revision as of 07:34, 25 May 2006 by RuthlesSpy (talk | contribs)
{{#if:N/A||Blast Strength: N/A}} {{#if:Disguise||Special Abilities: Disguise}} {{#if:Burn Huts/Trees||Special Abilities: Burn Huts/Trees}} {{#if:N/A||Special Abilities: N/A}}
Life : 3
Strength : 3
Weak Scale : 1

The lowy spy...What is there much to say about one of the most "underated" follower of the game...Not often used in Muliyplayer Levels because of it's apparent uselessnes and "cheapness." The best bet to see these followers are after the Level An Easy Target when the Spy training hut is "invented" by the Chumaran Tribe, your next door neigbhors in this Single Player Game.

Your other best bet is playing a game with [TDM]RuthlesSpy, who always has Spy Training Huts available in MP. The forground of the attached picture shows the "Blue" Tribes Spy hut...and up front, 4 followers, of the Spy Grade. They are distingished to the player as followers in black jackets, pants and the accompanying color. To the enemy, they are seen as Braves. There main claim to fame is the ability for them to disguise as an enemy follower, sneak into an enemies base and light huts or trees on fire.

To "Disguise" simply select one spy, or multiple spies, and click an enemy tribes color on the left panel to the right of the shamen "shortcut" icon. The icon switches to a "masking" button and one simply right clicks and the spies middle color slowly changes to the selected enemy tribes color. You can only tell your spy (or spies) to light trees and enemy huts on fire, not your own. Simply select a spy or spies, and approach a tree and right click to set it ablaze. For enemy huts, do the same procedure, approach a hut, whilst disguised, and set it ablaze. If one is not disguised when attempting to set an enemy huts ablaze, they well be quickly attacked.

The spies strength is the lowest of all units, 1 brave can easily kill a spy, bare handed in less than 6 seconds whilst leaving the brave just at 3/4 health. It apprx. takes 3 spies to kill just one brave.

The spy lurking in ones base can be uncovered by simply finding one and left clicking them. Another tactic is to set a spy in a hut and let 'em uncover spies attempting to gain entrance to ones base. If one puts a spy in a tower, there range is increased further, and they uncover spies at a greater distance.