

Template:This Month's featured article

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Revision as of 06:01, 11 March 2007 by TedTycoon (talk | contribs)

A row of guard towers

A Guard Tower is a unique building which can be placed anywhere on the landscape to give you an advanced warning of an Enemy attack. Any Follower placed inside the tower will sound a warning bell whenever an Enemy Follower approaches. You can then zoom to the Tower by pressing the Space Bar. Since the Guard Tower does not need to be constructed next to an existing building, it can also be used to begin a new settlement. Because of the height of the tower, any Follower placed inside has improved abilities. Shamans can fire spells further, Braves extend the look-out range, Warriors will call for help to defend the settlement, Firewarriors can fire further, Preachers can preach further and Spies can unmask Enemy Spies. Building the Guard Tower on top of high ground will extend these ranges even further. (more...)