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Revision as of 06:35, 28 January 2007 by DakiniShaman (talk | contribs)
File:Noob cereal.JPG
Suleiman's favorite breakfast cereal. He eats it almost everyday.

Suleiman [the Magnificent] (also known as "DakiniShaman," "Firegay," or "RedShaman1") is a 19 year old Populous player that resides in the small town of Clinton, Indiana. He has been playing for four or five years and has announced to the community that he has now retired from Populous online.


Suleiman started playing Populous back in the EA days when Populous online was supported and run by EA Games. He made his account with the username "Fireguy" and usually came in as a firewarrior.

Suleiman used to work underground with the Populous player King Warg. King Warg was the founder of the unofficial Populous 4 (Age of Chaos). Suleiman is said to have made three maps for the game and has worked with King Warg on other projects, although he has said that he does not work with King Warg anymore.


Suleiman has a variety of names that he's gone under, most of them listed above. The reason most of the name changes occured because of boredom with the previous name, although he went under "RedShaman1" because he and the player RedWarrior were team players at the time of the name change and they combined their names (RedWarrior and DakiniShaman).

The "Firegay" Incident

Some say that one day he misspelled his name and came in as "Firegay," and thats how the whole incident started, but others say that the player Lukestorm made the name up himself.

Map Making

Suleiman often made maps and Mappacks for the people of the community. While he was not official, he was a popular map maker. He made very impressive maps, although he only released one map pack (Sunny Worlds) because of his lack of freetime.

Suleiman can also create artificial intelligence (AI) scripts for singleplayer Populous.


Suleiman has been in two clans in his Populous career. These include DT and TN. He was in TN for about four months until he left for DT.

Suleiman's Part in DT

Suleiman has been said to be the cause of DT's death because some community players thought that Suleiman was the clan leader of DT when it died. It has been proven, though, that Suleiman never was the leader of DT at all, but was an administrator/moderator for quite a while.

When Suleiman first asked if there was anything he could do to help DT, he was made moderator. After about a day or so as moderator, the clan leader, Khickman, decided that Suleiman had "abused his powers." Although he hadn't, Khickman went ahead and revolked Suleiman's position in the staff. RedWarrior fought side-by-side with Suleiman against Khickman to get Khickman to change his mind about Suleiman. In the end he did change his mind, but soon after many members had left to join AsG and Khickman quit the clan and gave his status to RedWarrior, Khickman gave out Suleiman's DT password. DT was then hacked.

Soon after the hacking, DT died because of a comedy-act leadership by a different Populous player, the hacking, and Keith52.

Suleiman's Current Part in the Community

As his signature says, Suleiman is the "Official Community Havoc Creator," which means he's basically the troublemaker of the community. Some people would agree with his signature, but most people think he's a hilarious, witty guy.

Suleiman's signature.

Suleiman occasionally comes in the matchmaker. He doesn't play any games, of course, but does chat to/argue with the other players in Populous. He does, though, post on the forums quite often.

Forum Activity

Suleiman can usually be seen arguing with an ignorant loser on the forums. He usually wins and "ruins the shit" of the person he is arguing with.

He also sometimes makes new topics. They're usually rants and sometimes include a picture he's drawn/photoshopped in Microsoft Paint.


Suleiman is an all-around funny, clever guy who most people in the community are fond of. And no, he did not make this article.