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Revision as of 18:15, 27 March 2007 by Crusher (talk | contribs)

Here is a picture of a Brave.

Here is a Picture of who made the Brave. As you can see Osama loves outdoor sports, especially ones that involve him throwing his clothes off and dancing outside George Bush's house.

How Braves are created

Well, send a Shaman into your hut and 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Braves will appear. If you do this make sure you press Alt + tab and then type "Byrne" and press Alt + F4 for 10003 Warriors to appear, it works in Multiplayer.

Osamas Denial

Here we have Osama Bin laden denying any association with the USSR's Leader Stalin.

The Cheater

This is who Stalin is with. Though recently he broke up with Osama, there's been numerous sitings of them two together.

"You're better than Osama, big statue man.

"That's not true, we really love eachother, it's like the Koran without the pages, 2 halves make a whole"