


From Populous Wiki

Image metadata fields listed in this message will be included on the image page display when the metadata table is collapsed. Others will be hidden by default.

  • make
  • model
  • datetimeoriginal
  • exposuretime
  • fnumber
  • isospeedratings
  • focallength
  • artist
  • copyright
  • imagedescription
  • gpslatitude
  • gpslongitude
  • gpsaltitude
  • dc-rights
  • copyrightowner
  • usageterms
  • webstatement
  • licenseurl
  • attributionurl
  • preferredattributionname
  • credit
  • jpegfilecomment
  • pngfilecomment
  • giffilecomment
  • usercomment
  • citydest
  • citycreated
  • headline
  • source
  • locationdest
  • dc-contributor
  • dc-coverage
  • dc-publisher
  • dc-relation
  • label
  • nickname
  • personinimage
  • disclaimer
  • event
  • objectname