


From Populous Wiki

Revision as of 06:46, 8 July 2007 by DakiniShaman (talk | contribs)

Adz was born in Rüdesheim, Germany on April, 17 1999. At the age of 6, he, his parents, and his 13 siblings moved to New York City, New York to "start a new life." His father quickly opened a fast food restaurant called "The Llama Barn." Unfortunately, it didn't get much business and went bankrupt the next year.

In the meantime, Adz found an Internet cafe and decided to log on. After doing a little bit of searching, he finally found a game called Populous. His family saved up for 3 months to buy Adz Populous and after installing the game on his own, stolen laptop, he began to play.

Adz can still be found on the Populous: Reincarnated matchmaker under the name "Imran," "hard-wear," or "cuckoo_4_cocoapuffs."


Adz is pursuing a career in sewage and has been featured on Dirty Jobs.

This page was edited by [Suleiman] The Magnificent.