
The Gods of Destruction

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The gods of destruction is a clan dedicated to Populous Reincarnated

Gods of Destruction
Gods of Destruction
Gods of Destruction
Members : Vlek, Luke94, Obscura, Divinity, Apcs, Blackrider, Shibby, kotaro, Spartan, pit63, eric, Lex, Spinnifix, Congo_Ranks, Sponge, MadMan, Captain, Carbine, Shogun, Snipe, KitKat, Genki
Leaders : Khaos, Candide
Tag : [GoD]
Founded : 2006
Ended: {{{Ended}}}}}


The Gods of Destructionwas created in 2006 by Khaos and Shao after departing from [TDM] aka The Dark Masters, during this time the clan was relatively small but quickly rose in the rankings to become one of the strongest and to date the highest scoring clan in populous history. After Shaos departure in 2007 Khaos went on to lead GoD for the next 7 years during of which GoD was the highest scoring clan from 2007-2010 which many would consider our strongest era. Below you will find our story and our history of the rises and falls of the Gods of destruction.. we hope you enjoy.

The Gods Of Destruction History Archive


00 Dec - Khaos and Shao leave TDM

05 Dec - Khaos and Shao create GoD

06 Dec - Alan_90 and Raven are GoD's first members

09 Dec - Shibby joins GoD and the clan is created

09 Dec - Zeyta leaves TDM and joins GoD under the name Abraxis

15 Dec - OmgItSell joins GoD

18 Dec - Destor joins GoD

20 Dec - Raven wins the Face Off FFA in-clan tournament

23 Dec - MadMan joins GoD


07 Jan - FreeTheWeed leaves TDM and joins GoD

08 Jan - Gladiator leaves HcK and joins GoD

12 Jan - Sponge leaves HcK and follows Gladiator to GoD

13 Jan - Destor is voted out of the clan due to inactivity

25 Jan - Tundar was clanless and decides to join GoD

28 Jan - GoD MM skin released

31 Jan - Ric joins GoD

18 Feb - Tyreal becomes the first GoD recruit

22 Feb - GoD Council was created and consists of 4 GoD members; Shao, Khaos, Raven, Zeyta

02 Mar - MirrororriM joins GoD

02 Mar - MirrororriM is warned for attitude towards other members

12 Mar - Tyreal becomes a fully fledged member

12 Mar - Death_note joins GoD

20 Mar - MirrororriM leaves GoD and can never re-apply

27 Mar - Alan and Raven leave GoD for TDM

27 Mar - Ric leaves GoD but is denied by TDM

28 Mar - Ric re-applys for GoD but is denied by its members

29 Mar - Gladiator reaches Shaman grade

07 Apr - Vlekkie joins GoD

07 Apr - Dark_Warrior joins GoD

07 Apr - Zeyta returns

12 Apr - Terrorhawker joins GoD as a recruit

13 Apr - Dark_warrior changes his name to Spartan

15 Apr - Suleiman joins GoD as a recruit

17 Apr - Keith181 joins GoD

29 Apr - Suleiman becomes a full GoD member

01 May- GoDs website is released (

09 May- Ric returns

12 May- TerrorHawker becomes a full GoD member

13 May- FireRider was clanless and decides to join GoD

31 May- GoD gains most points in may for the first time

01 Jun - Sponge reaches shaman grade

02 Jun - Ric leaves GoD and joins RW and may never re-apply

09 Jun - Destor returns

09 Jun - Vlek wins the GoD Face-Off tournament

10 Jun - Snipe is clanless and joins GoD

19 Jun - Mannin joins GoD

29 Jun - Synchro joins GoD

01 July- Destor is kicked from GoD for abusive behaviour

18 July- Mannin leaves GoD

18 Aug- Kidd joins GoD

19 Aug- ILuvBooBs joins GoD

29 Aug- Zeyta changes his name to Terrorblade

07 Oct- Sulieman leaves GoD

08 Oct- Zeyta leaves GoD and may never re-apply

09 Oct- Keith181 is kicked from GoD due to inactivity

10 Oct- Gladiator leaves GoD and joins RW

11 Oct- Tundar is voted in as GoD Admin

12 Oct- Synchro leaves GoD

13 Oct- GoD grades released

14 Oct- RedDragon joins GoD

18 Oct- Captain joins GoD

07 Nov-ILuvBooBs leaves GoD

12 Nov-Sponge leaves GoD

26 Nov-BlackRider joins GoD

01 Dec-Elixir joins GoD as a recruit

02 Dec-Tundar leaves GoD and joins TDM

12 Dec-Aerials leaves XxX and joins GoD


14 Jan- DarkLord returns to GoD

26 Jan- Nightwarrior joins GoD

28 Jan- Seph joins GoD as a recruit

01 Feb- Nefarius joins GoD as a recruit

12 Feb- Hard-Wear joins GoD

21 Feb- Black-Hawk joins GoD

21 Feb- Seraph is rejected as a full member of GoD for poor attitude

22 Feb- Kontera joins GoD

28 Feb- Voltaje joins GoD

18 Mar- Cyborg joins GoD

31 Mar- GoD reaches a pop record 921 clan points in a single month

13 Apr- Carnificin joins GoD

01 May- Kidd leaves GoD for DoX

02 May- Tundar returns to GoD

12 May- Tundar leaves GoD and can never re-apply

20 May- Extreem is rejected as a full member of GoD for bad attitude

21 May- Mortred is recruited as GoD recruit

27 May- Hardwear is kicked from GoD for abusive behaviour

07 Jun - Mortred qualifies as a full GoD member

27 July- Sponge comes home

30 July- Lex becomes a GoD recruit

31 July- Spartan returns to GoD

01 Aug- TedTycoon is clanless and joins GoD

01 Aug- GoD is No.1 in Elo leauge

05 Sep- Shao leaves GoD

07 Sep- BlackHawk and Elixir leave GoD; Aerials becomes Admin

10 Sep- Divinity joins GoD

17 Sep- Lex becomes a full GoD member

22 Sep- Apnea becomes GoD recruit

24 Sep- Pit becomes GoD recruit

11 Okt- Jacksparrow becomes GoD recruit

04 Oct- Kontera leaves GoD and joins AsG we wish him luck

20 Oct- Elxir returns to GoD as recruit

12 Nov- Sponge leaves GoD

19 Nov- BlackHawk Returns as a Recruit under the name

24 Nov- Kidd leaves GoD

05 Dec- GoD celebrates its second Birthday! *2 years old today*

06 Dec- GoD matchmaker skin released

07 Dec- Luke94 becomes a GoD recruit

12 Dec- BlackHawk leaves GoD again, and can never reapply

12 Dec- Congratulations and a big thankyou to Abstract 2 years in GoD and for providing a great service as admin for the GoD website.


03 Apr - Nefarius returns to GoD

07 Apr - Congratulations and a big thankyou to Vlek ..2 years in GoD

13 May -Congratulations and a big thankyou to FireRider..2 years in GoD

10 Jun - Congratulations and a big thankyou to Snipe..2 years in GoD

12 Jun - Hanzo becomes a GoD recruit

22 Jun - Pheonix becomes a full member

27 Jun - Hanzo becomes a full GoD member

21 Jul - Nefarius is kicked from GoD for in clan disputes attitude and general mental instability

31 july- Kotaro becomes a full member

30 Aug- Edu becomes a GoD recruit

18 Oct- Congratulations and a big thankyou to Captain 2 years in GoD

23 Oct- Kidd returns home

24 Nov- Hanzo Joins GoD

26 Nov- Shao the old co leader of GoD returns..silly ned

29 Nov- Joao becomes a GoD recruit

31 Dec-For the second year running GoD is the highest scoring clan in populous


05 Jan - KitKat The 'first lady' joins GoD

10 Jan - Joao becomes a full Member

28 Feb - Congratualtions and a big thankyou to Mortred 2 years in GoD

28 Feb - Congratulations and a big thankyou to Voltaje 2 years in GoD

18 Mar - Congratulations and a big thankyou to Cyborg 2 years in GoD

07 Apr - Hanzo leaves GoD and joins RW

12 Apr - Congratualtions and a big thankyou to Carnificin 2 years in GoD

30 May- Nici Joins GoD

30 Jul - Congratulations and a big thankyou to Lex 2 years in GoD

31 Jul - Congratualtions and a big thankyou to Spartan 2 years in GoD

25 Aug - New GoD matchmaker Skin released

24 Oct - Eden1 joins GoD

05 Dec - HAPPY BIRTHDAY GoD 4 years old today!

07 Dec - Congratualtions and a big thankyou to Luke94 2 years in GoD





22 Jun - GoD reaches 30.000 points, and keeps leading the all time points table for a clan

20 Dec - Spinnifix leaves and joins FU (and later on joins GoD again)



13 Feb - Luke leaves to join OP

19 Nov - Carbine gets accepted as recruit (and later as full member)


The clan keeps being one of the most active on the lobby, being almost always on top 3 of monthly clan leagues, and still being 1st on the all time points clan. Candide gets to become secondary admin.

9 Jan - Obscura leaves and joins OP

12 Jul - Shogun is accepted in the clan


9 October - Genki leaves the clan (later joins D)

15 October - Spinnifix leaves the clan (later joins AsG)

25 December - Divinity leaves the clan (later creates D)

External Links

Åsgard • Dragon Team  • Team Nashua  • The Dark Masters • The Great Wall • The Gods of Destruction